Frequently Asked Questions

No, our training programs are not free. They are paid, and participants can choose from online, offline, or hybrid training options. Additionally, participants may qualify for up to 90% scholarship in training fees.

Yes, after completing the training, we assist participants in forming clusters and provide support in accessing finance to kickstart their farming projects.

We help your cluster gain access to the market by providing technology, data, guidance, and facilitating commodity exchange. This ensures you can sell your produce at prevailing market prices.

The WICLUP project is flexible in both training and operations. It allows you to pursue other life goals while serving as a source of additional income, requiring only a few days of commitment each month.

Insect farming is relatively less risky compared to many other farming projects.

The basic requirement is the ability to read, write, and hear. We encourage participation from individuals with diverse educational backgrounds.

Yes, we offer online acquaintance training options, making it convenient for participants to access the program from anywhere in the world. Practical trainings are not available online.

The duration of the training program may vary, but we aim to provide comprehensive education and support to prepare participants adequately.

Yes, participants have the option to start their own farms independently or join clusters for collaborative farming initiatives. We can only provide access to finance for clusters or commercial scale individual farms only.

We offer ongoing support to participants, including assistance in forming clusters, accessing finance, and guidance in their farming endeavors.

Yes, participants can choose to specialize in various roles, such as waste aggregation, network partnership, solo farming, consultancy, or training.

While there is no strict age limit, participants should be of legal working age in their respective countries.

Applications can be submitted through our website, where you will find detailed information on the application process.

The resources needed will depend on the scale and type of farming. We provide guidance on resource requirements during the training.

Yes, we are committed to continuous research and innovation in insect farming, ensuring participants benefit from the latest advancements in the field.

Absolutely. The training is designed to accommodate individuals with varying levels of farming experience, including beginners.

We facilitate networking opportunities for participants, and forming a cluster can be done through collaborative efforts and our support.

The primary focus is on black soldier fly farming due to its ecological and economic benefits.

Yes, participants who successfully complete the training will receive a certificate, acknowledging their proficiency in waste management and insect farming.

Regular updates and news will be communicated through our official website and other relevant channels, keeping participants informed about project advancements.